Covid 19 Policies
Covid 19 Policies
Please note - these policies are subject to change (last updated February 1, 2022)
We have implemented these guidelines in accordance with the mandates for Ohio and to ensure the safe operation of our Christian service based non-profit.
● All ELCC members 18 and over must sign the Waiver/Release for Communicable Diseases Including COVID-19.
● It is the responsibility of the member family to ensure any guest attending an ELCC Event has signed the Waiver/Release for Communicable Diseases Including COVID-19.
● ELCC will comply with recommendations for the safe operation of our Christian service based non-profit. Signage will be posted regarding social distancing, wearing face masks, and handwashing.
Each week, families will be required to complete a mobile check in and screening. If they can not complete this online, they may complete it at the front desk. Each family will need to affirm the following:
I have taken the temperature of all persons with me today and no one has a fever of 100.0 degrees or higher, I have not given anyone medication to lower a fever.
To my knowledge, no one has had a fever of 100.0 degrees or higher in my home for the last 3 days.
No one in my home has symptoms of Covid 19 (Current COVID-19 symptoms include cough, fever of 100.0 or higher, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, a new loss of taste or smell, gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.)
To my knowledge, no one in my home has been exposed to a person suspected of having Covid 19 in the last 10 days
No member of my family is under voluntary quarantine or isolation.
If any of these statements can not be affirmed, the family will stay away from co-op and events until they can affirm these statements. Please see the link on our website landing page for the simple mobile check in.
● Ohio does not (as of August 1, 2021) have a mask mandate requiring all persons to wear masks in public places, even through it has been recommended periodically. Even when Ohio did have a mask mandate, the following exemptions applied:
Children younger than 10 years old
Any person with a medical condition which prevents them from wearing a mask
Any person with significant hearing impairment, or communicating with a person with hearing impairment.
Religious officiants (ie - person on stage speaking to you)
Anyone outdoors or actively exercising (ie - Dance class)
Anyone actively eating
If a person enters our building without wearing a mask, we will assume that one of the above exemptions apply.
● If a family, or any of their children, develops any symptoms of illness while at an ELCC event or co-op, The parents will collect the children from their classes, notify the person in charge of the event or the security coordinator that they are leaving, and then take their family home.
● If any member of a family has been tested for COVID 19, and has not yet recieved a negative result, the family will not return to co-op until they have recieved the results.
If any member of a family has been tested for COVID 19 and test is negative and there has not been known Covid exposure - then they can return.
If any member of a family has been tested for COVID 19 and the test is positive, even if they have no symptoms, they must isolate for 10 days from the beginning of their Covid symptoms or their positive test (whichever was first) and be completely symptom free for 2 days before returning to co-op.
● Families/guests are responsible for knowing and following all guidelines set forth by the facility at which the event/co-op is held.
In the interest of privacy, if any person in your household has been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19 please inform our school nurse consultant Patricia Johnson, MS, RN, LSN, NCSN. 740-877-5626
If someone that attends co-op tests positive, families who may have been exposed will be notified and will need to be tested before returning to co-op. There are several free testing sites in Licking and the surrounding counties. Families who decline to be tested will need to stay away from co-op for 14 days and be symptom free before returning to co-op.
Covid Exposure (Updated February 1, 2022)
If any family has been exposed to Covid-19, regardless of vaccination status or mask wearing practices, the following will apply:
● Families will stay home from co-op for 5 days from the day of exposure and take a Covid test on the 6th day after their known exposure. They will continue to isolate until they recieve their test results (if a family member declines to test please skip to the next point)
If the test is negative, and no family member has Covid symptoms, families may return to co-op
If the test is positive, families must stay away from co-op for 10 days (total) from the exposure or the first symptoms, whichever was first.
ALL family members must be symptom free for 3 days before ANY family member returns to co-op. If any family member develops symptoms, they are assumed positive unless they have a negative test. If one member of the family has Covid, the entire family may not come to co-op,
● If a family declines to test after a Covid exposure. they will stay away from co-op for 10 days from the date of known exposure and may return on the 11th day, as long as no family member has Covid symptoms. If a family member has Covid symptoms - they must quarentine for 5 days AFTER the family member no longer shows symptoms, but no longer than 14 days total.
If you have been exposed to Covid 19, even if you are vaccinated or consistently wear a mask, please contact us so that we can talk through your situation and make sure you do not expose others at co-op.
Cleaning Policy for Co-op
● Hand sanitizer stations will be placed throughout the facility
● Hall Monitors will wipe down frequently touched surfaces such as exterior door knobs, hand rails, and drinking fountains at least 1 time per hour
● Teachers/Assistants will wipe down surfaces and interior doorknobs at the end of their classes.
Teachers will have dissinfectant spray available in every classroom to help sanitize supplies. Whenever possible, children will not share supplies, or supplies will be sanitized between each child.
Only the front door will be open for families to enter and exit. Please use the mobile check in app and check in up to 5 minutes before you arrive at co-op. Once you have checked in, you may enter the building. If you need to check in with the desk please wait on the X's on the side walk and avoid crowding.
ELCC is officially CLOSED for lunch from 12:00 - 12:40pm each day. Families are permitted to stay on site and eat outdoors, in their vehicles, or leave and go get lunch. The building is unlocked during this time, however, PARENTS are responsible for their children and making sure that they socially distance and practice safe hygene. Children should NOT be left to play outside or roam the building without adult supervision. Students and families MUST be proactive in eating lunch neatly and cleaning up after themselves. Allowing the building and playground to remain open is a convenience for everyone, if children are left unsupervised and safety is a concern, we will have to close the building and grounds during lunch.
In addition to these safety measures, we have purposefully moved our 1st semester classes so that we will not be meeting during flu season in the hope that ELCC will be able to stay safely open. If ELCC should have to close for a period greater than 2 weeks, we will prorate and refund class fees to parents for the time ELCC was closed as long as the class does not offer weekly online class meets and materials. If the class does offer weekly online meets and materials, refunds will be at the discretion of the teacher and parents will need to contact teachers directly. No refunds will be given for virtual only classes unless the teacher is unable to teach for longer than 2 weeks.
In addition, teachers will not be paid for classes when ELCC is closed unless they offer a weekly meet and materials online. If they choose to offer a weekly meet and materials online, they will continue to be paid as if we were meeting in person.